As well as producing quality BBQ charcoal, we also offer biochar which is a fantastic soil improver and a means of storing atmospheric carbon in the soil.
Our biochar is created as a by-product of our coppice restoration work and any brash burning that takes place on site. This brash isn't usable in its original form as it is too poor quality for traditional coppice products such as pea sticks. If left in the coppice its sheer volume can create operational difficulties, affect the soil nutrient balance as it breaks down, affect the quality of the regrowth and ground flora. Therefore on sensitive sites such as these we burn a lot of the brash.
All is not lost though as the burning embers from these fires are shovelled into barrels, excluding the supply of oxygen and halting the burning process. After the barrels have cooled they can be opened and the resulting product is the carbon (charcoal) that’s left. This is an important product that has many useful properties as it retains the original carbon structure of the wood it comes from. It is absorbent to both water and nutrients, and can thus improve these properties when added to soils. Before adding however it is normally ‘charged’ by soaking in nutrient rich solutions such as compost tea, animal waste (manure/slurry) or urine. Thus when added to soil it makes these nutrients available easily to plants, and additionally improves the water retention of those soils. In fact humans have been using these properties and adding carbon to soils for thousands of years for example ‘terra preta’ or black soil in the Amazonian basin. In more modern times it could be part of more sustainable farming techniques that reduce our reliance on fossil fuel derived fertilisers, improving soil health and structure. In effect its use locks in carbon to the soil for an almost indefinite period so has direct relevance in today’s carbon conscious world!
Biochar is available now - please drop us a line to enquire or place an order.
Words by James Benson, photography by Andrew Groves